Editorial Policy


Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Policy And Guidelines For Writers And Contributors:

We want to make sure that KhabarLive is a good read, and a fast one, for our overloaded colleagues working on these issues in cities and countries around the world, as well for others trying to follow the full range of issues involved.

Before taking the trouble to prepare your piece for publication, kindly contact hydnews@gmail.com. First, with a short note outlining your intentions, we can then discuss so as to make best use of your time and contribution. If we have any questions, we will get in touch first to iron them out. If we find the piece out of our main focus, we will let you know immediately with a short note of explanation.

Posting routine: All entries are made by the contributing editors and the copy editor before posting.

Article length: Relatively compact – say enough for a good read in 5/15 minute max. 500-2000 words looks good. Anything longer should be handled as clickable URL; but that readable engaging summary is critical.

Languages/Translations: KhabarLive takes the challenge of a polyglot India seriously. Have an idea for a good piece but need to write in another language. Let’s talk about it, may not be a problem.

Language: Not quite the same thing, and this refers specifically to presentation, phrasing and word choice with an eye to your reader. We have to bear in mind here that a number of the people who come into KhabarLive do not have English as their main working language. This means that to get your idea across, shorter sentences are generally going to be more effective than longer ones; slang expressions, insider jokes and jargon are to be set aside; and the emphasis should be placed on the reader and not the writer. Let us not lose sight of the fact that many of our readers are coming more than halfway as far as language is concerned. Even within these constraints, it will be possible to be creative and effective, and your editor is confident that this is exactly what you are going to do.

Spell-check: Please, very carefully, and thank you.

Photograph/image credits: We try to make sure we cite the name/source of all photographs or images that appear in our pages. Representation images may be addressed clearly.

References: Critical. Reader wants more? All s/he has to do is click to that URL link you remembered to insert in a prominent place in order to access the full piece which has been placed on line.

Author identification: Please identify yourself as a courtesy to the reader: A good signature block would show: your full name, email; Organization (if any, with URL); City, Country. 

We do in fact like to profile short bio-notes on authors, 4 to 8 lines being a target. Also as you will see, we do like to have a small photograph of the author. 

Submission: You have to submit directly to hydnews@gmail.com in inline text format or attach the txt.file only, as our system will not recognize any other format. Images has to be in JPEG / GIF / PNG format only Or submit directly to our website submission form here.

Reading the comments: If you do end up publishing a piece, you are invited to have a look every once in a while to see if comments or questions have come in from our readers. If so, you may wish to respond. We favor collegial dialogue. (Comments are reviewed by the editor before publication, just to make sure that we keep to the topic and tone of this cordial collaborative effort.)

We invite your comments and suggestions here. Thank you.

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